I highly recommend Mr.Nico to any parent looking for a tutor who can inspire and cultivate a love of learning in their child. My son began tutoring with Mr. Nico at the beginning of 2nd grade. Over the past school year the progress we have witnessed has been remarkable.
Mr. Nico’s LIFE tutoring approach (language, individuality, family, expression) has approached reading and writing in a very holistic way, with goals that address reading and writing, but also goals that address my son’s personal interests and family life. Mr. Nico’s approach is also very engaging. My son loves the stories they read together, and the different games and activities that Mr. Nico brings with him each week.
The most important outcome of this year of tutoring isn’t that my son is now a more confident reader and writer. The most important outcome is that my son now loves reading and writing, and he is always doing it. He is always reading, and excitedly telling us the plot. And he’s always writing little stories, and is excited to share them with us. A deep sense of intrinsic motivation has been unleashed inside of him.
You know you’ve found a great tutor for your child when he is always asking “is it tutoring day yet?!” He is excited for it every week!
-Nina, parent